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A hot-blooded detective with the catchphrase "In justice we trust!" He has evidently worked with Simon Blackquill many times and was paired up with him in court. The detective hoped to help the prosecutor redeem himself, and he seemed completely oblivious to the latter's attempts to manipulate him. At some point during 2026, Detective Fulbright died via undisclosed circumstances (although it was heavily implied that he had been murdered), although no-one would find out that he was actually deceased for a whole year as his body was unidentified at the time.A mysterious international agent known only as "the phantom" took on the late detective's identity, meaning that the Fulbright that Phoenix Wright, Apollo Justice, and Athena Cykes met during their cases was this imposter. It would not be until the retrial of the UR-1 Incident that the real Fulbright's body was identified and his imposter brought to justice for the murders and bombings that he had performed while disguised as the justice-obsessed detective.[From Ace Attorney Wiki]




