白石 隊員


An officer, assigned to the second division of the Special Riot Police. Ayato's subordinate. He is a member of the Support Squad, whose primary mission is to provide cover for the Ayato and heroines.Shiraishi is a reliable young man, in whom his colleagues have a great deal of trust. His practical ability as a Special Riot Police officer is so high that he can be considered a veteran. Furthermore, his accomplishments cannot be overlooked. For these reasons, his superiority in the organization is acknowledged. He is tasked with defending the peace and safety of ordinary citizens and struggling to fulfill the order every day.He has many friends, ranging from children to the elderly. Many female staff members are also attracted to him. Still, he does not have a lover. That fact may be due to his natural blockheadness. Shiraishi is frequently paired with his colleague, Saotome. As a good senior, he helps her in a variety of ways.[Translated from the official site]

