

"Telling me to do something as unreasonable as speaking in a loud voice... those extroverted people should just die already"Tactician of Kouu's army. Despite being unsociable with a dark personality, she is sharp tongued and confident. Has a creepy smile. While being a tactician that many don't want to show much respect to, no one can deny her intellect, which is capable of coming up with anything from cunning tactics to ruthless schemes. Even Kouu herself displays a certain amount of respect by referring to her as Afu (akin to a younger sister) and treating her as a family member. As she seldom receives recognition from others, she has sworn her utmost loyal to Kouu.She first thought of Shibasen as nothing but a vain idol in Ryuuhou's army, but after a particular incident, she began to display a great amount of gratitude towards him and became somewhat hostile to the equally devoted Chouryou.


