イケメン王子 美女と野獣の最後の恋


In the royal family, there are 8 princes nicknamed "Beasts" are seen fit to become the next successor of king. You, the player, who work in a small bookstore and lived an ordinary life is summoned to the castle. The reason for this is because you're chosen as a "Belle" to pick the future king with a beautiful heart until all the petals fall. As you get to know the princes to make your decision, you begin to fall in love with the prince.

However, as the two of you fall in love, complications arise when there's a condition that "Belle" must follow;

Article 99: After the end of the selection period, "Belle" is forbidden to have involvements with the future king.

What will fate be for this "Belle" and the "Beast" be?

[from Ikemen Prince Wiki]




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