粟生野 鳴


Mei's true appearance as a Devil. She is the Blue Sage, entrusted with the souls and reincarnation off all deceased Devils of the Blue line after the original. At some point in the past, she came to question her own impulses, including the urge to combat and her instinctive hatred of Devil Hunters. This led to her being called insane, and as a result she was permanently confined to her tower. She has a natural curiosity about humans, though she has no moral compunction about massacring them at the drop of a hat. Her growing love for Sora is matched only by her instinctive hatred of him for what he is. She is almost exactly like him - in terms of broken psychology, a mirror of his nature in Devil form. She is perhaps the most powerful of the terrestrial Devils, containing a Ro as well as numerous other powerful Organs and a 'cursed sword' that is the original such.When she fights, her personality is possessed by the soul of her sister, whom Sora killed before obtaining his current body.


Akatsuki Works


