

There was a little side road near a public school. A place that the locals never noticed, a secret path.
Nestled in this path was a two-story house where a perverted middle-aged man liked to peer from behind the curtain at young girls outside.

The pervert's name was Takuro Yagomori. Age 47. A twisted virgin. A hikikomori. A lolicon.
He drooled and stank as he fantasized at the little girls. With no redeeming qualities, he was a perfect pig.

Today, Takuro was eyeballing his favorite girl.
Akane Shiomi, age XX. She looked like his favorite anime character.

"Good morning, Akane-chan."

Thanks to his online connections Takuro knew the girl's full name, her age, her birthday, even where she lived.

"Look this way, Akane-tan. Let's see that smile......"

The day had come where Takuro wasn't happy with just looking out the window. He'd prepared a kidnapper's kit thanks to his online connections.
Today was the day--!!

[From DLsite English]



汐見 茜



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